VHF FM+C4FM Repeater
The W4RAT 146.88 MHz repeater first went on the air in 1971. Transmitting up to 20 watts from 680 feet above Chesterfield Town Center, this repeater was upgraded from analog to dual-mode C4FM operation on September 21, 2024.
The repeater is open to all licensed amateurs. You do not need to be a member of the club to use our repeater. Please take a moment to become familiar with our Repeater Rules and basic repeater etiquette before going on the air. RATS members needing help accessing the repeater may reach out to their Technical Committee.
Here's an estimated coverage map generated with Radio Mobile Online by Roger Coudé VE2DBE.
Digital Traffic Precedence
This is primarily a digital repeater. Digital traffic takes precedence. It stays linked 24/7 to a network of other repeaters. Only digital traffic passes over this link. As a result, stations on linked repeaters will not hear our local analog traffic and may start a digital QSO at any time. Analog stations must yield.
Because this repeater may transmit in either analog or digital mode - as determined by the incoming signal - users of analog-only radios should ensure their radio is set to utilize a 74.4 Hz receive PL tone. This will prevent the squelch from opening for the "noise" of digital signals. However, it will be necessary to look at the signal meter or receive activity light on your radio before transmitting in analog mode to ensure you are not colliding with existing digital traffic. Only one mode may be active at a time.
C4FM/WIRES-X users should disable their radio's Automatic Mode Selection feature to prevent unwanted mode changes during QSOs when using a dual-mode system such as the 146.88 repeater. C4FM radios must digitally transmit a valid FCC call sign. Radios with improper ID will be blocked from the WIRES-X network.
WIRES-X Available Here
Club member Mike Friedman W4MAF put together an excellent presentation on the capabilities of our WIRES-X system in March 2022. We have a copy of it here. New users of the W4RAT 146.88 WIRES-X system should review this to become familiar with local operating practices and the characteristics of our particular system. (WIRES-X operation was moved from 442.55 to 146.88 on September 21, 2024.)
We also have a list of WIRES-X nets on our Nets page.
Regional Linking via the Virginia Room
Unless a user has temporarily connected the repeater elsewhere, the 146.88 machine stays linked to the Virginia Room (#21625) along with several other repeaters in the region. A weekly net is held on Saturday nights at 8:00 PM.
WIRES-X traffic from these systems will be carried on the digital portion of the repeater and will not be heard by analog users.
Questions about the WIRES-X system on the VHF repeater may be directed to the Technical Committee.