Listen Online

Take the RATS repeaters with you wherever you go with Internet streaming.

You can listen to the RATS repeaters anytime 24/7 over streaming Internet audio.  Due to delays in processing and buffering, audio heard here is on a roughly 45 second delay relative to the actual repeater traffic (10-20 seconds for the feed to AREDN).  All audio streams are recorded 24/7 at the repeater site.  A rolling 6-month supply of archived recordings are accessible to Tech Committee members at the links below.

Public streams were moved to Broadcastify effective 10/5/2024.  Audio is still being provided to the AREDN mesh network over our internal systems.

For archived special event audio, click here.

Special event test streams (CCE feed) - HQ | LQ

146.88 MHz FM+C4FM

Public Streams

Tech Committee Access

443.5875 MHz DMR

Public Streams

Tech Committee Access