UHF FM Repeater
The W4RAT 442.55 MHz repeater first signed on in 1996. With antenna positioned 680 feet above Chesterfield Town Center, this Yaesu DR-2X repeater provides traditional analog service over a large portion of central Virginia. WIRES-X services were moved from this repeater to 146.88 and output power was increased from 20 to 50 watts on September 21, 2024.
The repeater is open to all licensed amateurs. You do not need to be a member of the club to use our repeater. Please take a moment to become familiar with our Repeater Rules and basic repeater etiquette before going on the air. RATS members needing help accessing the repeater may reach out to their Technical Committee.
Here's an estimated coverage map generated with Radio Mobile Online by Rouger Coudé VE2DBE.