Monthly Meetings
During the COVID-19 pandemic, RATS moved all board and membership meetings online. Anyone wishing to join our meetings can do so using the link below, or join by phone with the meeting ID and password.
We do not currently have a regular physical meeting location.
A majority of the club's operational needs and routine business decisions are handled at the Board meetings, while the Membership meetings have a business element but are more focused on fun stuff. Not a member? Apply for membership here. Membership meetings are currently open to the public. You do not need to be a member of the club or even a licensed amateur to attend.
Membership Meetings
Third Friday of each month, 7:30 PM
To join by phone, dial +1 301 715-8592
Meeting ID: 89999564174
Password: 849942
Board Meetings
First Wednesday of each month, 6:30 PM
To join by phone, dial +1 301 715-8592
Meeting ID: 89187358334
Password: 916860
Want to present at a meeting?
Our Program Committee is always seeking presenters willing to speak to our club on nearly any topic of interest to amateur radio operators. If you're interested in presenting, contact the Program Committee.
The After-Meeting Hangout
RATS members used to hang out in the parking lot for hours after our in-person meetings ended, and we're doing the same on Zoom. Grab a cup of caffeine and hang out with the late night crew to talk ham radio until o'dark:30. Reconnect any time using the regular Zoom meeting information above.
Meeting Video & Minutes
You can find at least the last 3 months' worth of meeting video and minutes (including unapproved drafts) on the Meeting Minutes page. This page requires active RATS membership to view.