Local Links
General Interest Clubs
Catastrophic Amateur Tactical Squad (CATS/KC4TS)
Culpeper Amateur Radio Association (CARA/W4CUL)
Hanover VA Amateur Radio Club (HVARC)
Louisa Amateur Radio Association (LARA) [defunct]
Powhatan Area Radio Club (PARC/N4POW)
Rappahannock Valley Amateur Radio Club (RVARC/K4TS, Fredericksburg)
Ham Radio Networks and Repeater Associations
Other Cool Stuff Tangentially of Interest to Hams
Build, RVA - "Build, RVA is a makerspace community providing low-cost access to tools, resources and knowledge."
hack.RVA - "HackRVA is a space filled with tools, computers, and people who like to build, invent, tinker, expand their minds, and learn and share new skills. You’ll find a diverse group of individuals who are into electronics, woodworking, embedded software, metalworking, coding (programming), music, art, video, photography, 3D printing, sewing, textiles, and virtual reality—and that’s for starters. HackRVA members have access to the makerspace, tools, community and learning opportunities through member-led workshops, events, and projects."
Mid-Atlantic Severe Weather Conference - Takes place annually at the Science Museum of Virginia, offering presentations of interest to meteorologists, storm chasers, and severe weather enthusiasts.
Richmond Area Bot Instigated Destruction (RABID) - "Empowering Minds, Building Bots: Richmond's Non-Profit Advancing Education and Engineering through Combat Robotics... By providing accessible resources, mentorship, and collaborative platforms, we aim to cultivate a diverse and inclusive space where people of all ages can learn, create, and engage in the thrilling journey of building and battling robots. Together, we strive to unleash the potential within each participant, fostering a lifelong love for learning and a passion for pushing the boundaries of technological exploration."
Workbench RVA Public Woodworking Shop - "Build, RVA is a makerspace community providing low-cost access to tools, resources and knowledge. For existing and aspiring entrepreneurs, creators, makers, & inventors seeking tools and knowledge to advance their passions; Build provides access to a community of science-based innovators & artists, and an ecosystem of tools within which ideas become reality."
Clubs Elsewhere in our Region
Albemarle Amateur Radio Club (AARC, Charlottesville)
Alexandria Radio Club (W4HFH, Alexandria)
Blacksburg SKYWARN (WX4RNK, Blacksburg)
Chesapeake Amateur Radio Service (CARS/W4CAR, Chesapeake)
Eastern Shore Amateur Radio Club (ESARC/Onley)
Franklin County Amateur Radio Club (K4UK, Rocky Mount, VA)
Hampton Public Service Team (W4HPT, Hampton)
Lake Country Amateur Radio Service (LCARS/W4LCA, South Hill)
Massanutten Amateur Radio Association (MARA, Harrisonburg)
Middle Peninsula Amateur Radio Club (MPARC/W4HZL, Gloucester)
National Capital Area SKYWARN (WX4LWX, Sterling)
New River Valley Amateur Radio Club (N4NRV, Blacksburg)
Page Valley Amateur Radio Club (PVARC, Shenandoah)
Peninsula Amateur Radio Club (PARC/W4MT, Newport News)
Portsmouth Amateur Radio Club (PARC/W4POX, Portsmouth)
Radio Amateur Society of Norfolk (RASON, Norfolk)
Roanoke Valley Amateur Radio Club (RVARC/W4CA, Roanoke)
Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club (SVARC/W4RKC, Winchester)
Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC/K4NVA, Sterling)
University of Virginia Amateur Radio Club (W4UVA, Charlottesville)
Vienna Wireless Society (Vienna)
Virginia Beach Amateur Radio Club (VBARC, Virginia Beach)
Virginia Tech Amateur Radio Association (VTARA, Blacksburg)
Waynesboro Repeater Association of Virginia (W4PNT, Staunton)
Western Tidewater Radio Association (WTRA/WT4RA, Smithfield)
Shop Local: Ham Radio Manufacturers and Dealers in our Area
Buckmaster International (Mineral, VA) - ham radio software, antennas, and publications
Easy Way Ham Books (Mineral, VA) - ham radio and GROL exam prep books, and other ham radio publications
RK Radios (Roanoke, VA) - a general radio communications dealer offering some amateur radio products
TreeTenna (Goochland, VA) - omnidirectional antennas for VHF/UHF applications, intended to be hung from trees
WA4MCMkits (Walkersville, MD) - kits for building SWR meters, antenna switches, and other ham radio devices