Mesh Services

For a current list of available services, visit the project homepage,

Experimental Winlink RMS Relay

The experimental Winlink RMS Relay serves as a Network Post Office (NPO) speaking the Winlink protocols.  It allows users to send ham radio e-mail messages to one another within our mesh, using the Winlink Express messaging application.  It's also possible to use a regular e-mail client such as Outlook, Thunderbird, Pine, etc., using the SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols.

To connect to the RMS Gateway using Winlink Express, open a new Telnet Winlink session and click Settings.  Configure the Telnet Properties dialog as shown below:

Use RMS Relay:  Yes
TCP/IP path to the RMS Relay site:  W4RAT-VPM-GW
Port to connect to:  8772
Connect to RMS Relay local message database rather than a CMS:  No
Telnet Session AutoConnect Time:  (as desired)
Automatic Background Monitoring and Message Uploading:  (as desired)

Click the Start Button.  You should notice the telnet session is with W4RAT-VPM-GW.  You are now communicating with the RMS-Relay and can begin sending and receiving messages from other users on our AREDN system.  The mail system supports local messages with attachments up to 5 megabytes in size.

At this time, the RATS Winlink RMS Gateway does not connect to the rest of the Winlink network.  It is currently handling local traffic (within the mesh) only.  Once we have additional nodes and users on the system, the gateway will be connected to the global Winlink messaging network.

To return to normal Winlink CMS telnet function, return to the Telnet Properties dialog and un-check the "Use RMS Relay" box.

SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 access to the Winlink NPO

To request access via SMTP, IMAP, and POP3, send an e-mail to and allow up to 7 days for provisioning.  Once configured, use the following servers:

Outgoing mail server:  W4RAT-VPM-GW, SMTP port 25
Incoming mail server:  W4RAT-VPM-GW, POP3 port 110 or IMAP port 143

Network Time Services

There are now two ways to obtain a reasonably accurate time using standard Network Time Protocol (NTP) on UDP port 123:

You can also point your device or application to the alias NTP.local.mesh.